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If you don't know why automatic fire systems are the only systems we sell, we'd encourage you to watch THIS SHORT DOCUMENTARY about a crash and subsequent fire that nearly killed Mark Petronis in 2021.
All systems are available in either manual or electric activation. All systems use the same thermal block for automatic activation, difference being the manual systems use a traditional pull handle, which releases a piston to break the thermal bulb and thus activating the system. The electrical versions have solenoids which fire to break the thermal bulb. Our personal preference is for manual activation since the cost is less, there is no temptation for anyone to press a red button by accident to see what happens, and the electrical version still relies on a fresh battery to do its job. We prefer to remove the electrical necessity when it comes to saving a life from fire.
Extreme® 10lb. AUTOMATIC System with remotely mounted AMU BLOCK SFI 17.1 CERTIFIED
The AMU.M system allows for mechanical override function mounted to the remote AMU Block. Utilizing a pull cable, the driver can manually activate the system. The AMU.E system allows for electrical override function mounted to the remote AMU Block. All our electrically activated systems are self contained by utilizing a power pack. So, it is independent of any vehicle wiring.
This 10lb. SFI 17.1 system includes:
* - Higher temp bulbs available. Select from appropriate drop box
** Billet, roll bar style mounts available as an upgrade. Make your selection from appropriate drop box.
Our Extreme® line of SFI 17.1 certified systems use 3MTM NovecTM 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
NovecTM 1230 Fluid is an ozone friendly, next generation, halon replacement gas that has excellent fire out properties, in addition to:
BOTTLE DIMENSIONS: 17.5"h x 5.25"dia